header images courtesy of Sean Schult and Sean Oster.
Summer Youth Theatre
Is your young star ready for the stage? It all begins here.
South Milwaukee Youth Theatre (SMYT) is an introductory musical theatre program that teaches students about acting, singing, dancing, technical theatre and more. Students build confidence, make friends and have fun! Our team of theatre education professionals creates a safe, respectful and collaborative environment where students develop life skills like teamwork, perseverance, kindness and responsibility. For students aged 6-18.
2025 Summer programs Junior cast: DISNEY'S FINDING NEMO KIDS
Registration opens April 24, 10am
2025 cost $245 ($215 for SM residents )
Limited-capacity open enrollment begins online in spring. Students who register before the program reaches capacity will secure a spot to audition, or a spot on our tech crew. All auditionees will receive a part. Program details, including a complete rehearsal schedule, are posted annually online.
Tech Crew Program
The SMYT Technical Crew Program is designed for students aged 14-18 who want to learn new things and make friends, but who may not be interested in acting. Working alongside the Tech Director and SMYT Staff, Tech Crew students learn how to use tools, build the set, paint backdrops, rig set pieces, acquire props, work as stage hands and run basic sound and lighting for shows. The schedule differs slightly from the acting schedule, but there is some overlap. Crew generally meets weekdays from noon-4pm starting mid-June through the end of July. We’re as flexible as possible working around students' schedules.
Actor Auditions
Auditions for our junior cast are typically done in small groups, not individually, and may include reading lines, singing parts of songs or participating in movement or dance exercises. Small groups are used because this can help reduce anxiety and give directors an opportunity to see how students interact with one another. Groups are small enough so that the audition panel can hear and see every child. Directors may choose a variety of song parts and lines as audition materials, and post them in advance so auditionees can get to know the music and lines prior to auditions. Students are not required to memorize songs or lines. However, they may be asked to do a “cold reading,” which is reading parts of scenes that were not part of the audition materials. This helps the audition panel see an auditionee’s ability to adapt and learn on the spot. All participants should listen to instructions, speak and sing clearly and loudly, show their personality, and keep an open mind about which part they’re cast.
Senior cast auditions are similar to junior auditions, but these students may have additional opportunities to audition for specific parts or roles. This is an option used at the discretion of the director and it may change year to year. Again, beginners and younger students in this cast typically receive chorus parts and older, or more experienced students may receive solos or speaking roles. It is important to remember that not everyone can be a lead, and that every cast and crew member is important to the success of the show!
Rehearsals are generally Monday through Thursday evenings starting in mid-June, and they for 5-6 weeks leading up to the performances. All rehearsals and performances take place at the theatre unless otherwise noted. Parents should park in the NW lot and use door #9. All cast and crew are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances unless they have an excused absence approved by the director. Preliminary schedules will be available no later than March 1.
The Junior Cast (6-11 year-olds) perform for the general public mid July. The Senior Cast (12-18 year-olds) perform on the last weekend in July/first weekend in August.
To build team spirit and provide extra funds for costumes and set, we organize a few fundraisers each summer.
Sign up below to receive monthly emails and stay on top of registration postings. We update this page annually by March 1.
“SMPAC has taught me more about leadership, teamwork and patience than I ever could learn in a classroom.”
— Annie, South Milwaukee Youth Theatre participant
Scholarship Information
At South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, we provide scholarship opportunities for students who because of financial limitations are unable to participate in our performing arts programs. SMPAC's scholarship opportunities come in the form of full and partial scholarships to our Summer Youth Theatre program. A limited amount of scholarships are available each year to those who meet the requirements. All information is confidential and brought before a SMPAC committee. No child is turned away from our program because of their inability to pay. Email our director Rachel Sorce (rsorce@sdsm.k12.wi.us) to inquire.